Ultra femme oversized bag from the Goodwill...
Ultra femme oversized bag from the Goodwill Seattle Glitter sale - to be sold at Goodwill Goes GLAM! in 2012
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I'm pleased to announce to you that this week's Glam Spotlight - the hand bag pictured above was a stunning item from the 2011 Glitter Sale. The owner of this vintage-esque hand bag has donated it to the Goodwill Goes GLAM! event in 2012 and wishes to remain anonymous. So be on the look-out for this bag at Goodwill Goes GLAM! in August 2012 your purchases support Goodwill's mission of helping people to prepare for, acquire and keep their jobs.
Going back to Goodwill Hunting in Seattle congratulations to the Seattle Goodwill team for putting on a fantastic Glitter Gala the staff we're so organized that it was literally a well-oiled Glitter machine.Volunteers we're given clear direction and all elements of the Gala we're excellent from the chair covers to the Silent Auction.
As mentioned earlier,Seattle Arts Institute studentsdid a fantastic job of producing the Fire & Ice Fashion Show . Goodwill has collaborated with the Art Institute of Seattle on another level as well. In the months leading up to the Gala designers showcased their re-designed creations that we're showcased at the Glitter Gala. Their talent[and innovation] is so evident.
A little more about the sale. One hundred percent of the proceeds goes directly to Seattle Goodwill programs. So,not only do you get great deals on items from, Kate Spade , Jimmy Choo , Tiffany & Co. , Michael Kors , Christian Louboutin and so much more, but you feel good about where your dollars end-up. That's why there's a mighty line to get into the sale every year.
The Glitter Sale line begins to move...
Lastly, we went to the U-district to visit the Goodwill University store and, my goodness, it was like an Old Navy meets Banana Republic loft space. You must visit this store when you're in Seattle, seriously. You'll find the latest brand names, affordable clothes for school and for a night out on the town. For more information about the Glitter Sale read the Glitter Sale Insider blog.
A must see when you're in the U-district of Seattle - the University Goodwill store
The Goodwill Industries of Hawaii team learned so much from the Seattle Goodwill teams planning and prep ensues for Goodwill Goes GLAM! in 2012.
A big Mahalo goes out to the Seattle Goodwill team from the Hawaii Goodwill team
Final thoughts, wherever you travel, be a Goodwill Hunter and support the mission. But remember, when you return to Hawaii, look for the Glam Spotlight deals on this blog and you'll have a chance to purchase those items at Goodwill Goes GLAM! in 2012. Happy Hunting!
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Posted in Transportation/Automotive Post Date 10/19/2020